The Ballad of the Baby Witch
Hear my words, oh girl on an errand to get bread Let my spell take hold, and let your path be guided by my magic As you walk through the city, let the augmented reality ads be bent to my will Let them show you the way, and bring you to your destination
And let the cranes, symbols of grace and wisdom Guide your steps as well May their presence bring you peace and clarity On your journey through the city’s spell
May the moon in the water, a symbol of the yin and yang Bring balance and harmony to your journey Let it be a beacon in the night, guiding you forward On this quest to get bread
And let the wisdom of the elders, the Frankfurt School philosophers Who recognized the struggle of capitalism to control everything In its quest for growth, guide your decisions And help you navigate the challenges ahead
And now, let my magic reach its pinnacle I call upon the power of the coven To create an ad, an ode to you, oh girl on an errand to get bread A pop song, sticky sweet like bubble gum That will capture your attention and guide you to your destination
As you walk through the city streets The magic of the baby witch Will guide your steps and light your way On your journey to get bread
So let the spell take hold, and let the magic guide you To your destination, oh girl on an errand to get bread The pop song will stick in your head As the magic of the baby witch leads you ahead