Date: June 13, 2005
Transaction: Classified Land Exchange Agreement
Parties: United States Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Reticular Devices LLC
Property 1: Ivanpah Valley Tract (30 square miles), Mojave Desert, San Bernardino County, California. Legal Description: Specifically, the area encompassing the South-East quadrant of the valley, bordering the Ivanpah Dry Lake Bed to the north, and proximate to the Nevada state line. Reticular Devices LLC shall receive the full surface and mineral rights of this property, including access to local aquifers and established ingress and egress routes.
Property 2: Rockport Salt Caverns, Aransas County, Gulf Coast, Texas. Legal Description: An extensive network of subterranean salt caverns located 15 miles north-east of Rockport, Texas, adjacent to the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge. The Bureau of Land Management shall receive the full surface and mineral rights of this property, including the rights to exploit the caverns for hydrocarbon storage or other designated uses.
Terms of Agreement:
This Classified Land Exchange Agreement, authorized under special authority granted by the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment (OUSD[A&S]) (See Approval Waiver Reference: AW-OUSD[A&S]-2005/06-13/345), stipulates that Reticular Devices LLC shall receive the title and all associated rights to the aforementioned land in Ivanpah Valley in exchange for the Rockport Salt Caverns on the Texas Coast, which shall revert to the ownership of the Bureau of Land Management.
All waivers, exceptions, and environmental studies associated with this land exchange have been expedited and approved under special authority by the Department of Defense, citing national security interests (See Release Reference: RR-DOD-2005/06-13/678).
Both parties have duly inspected the properties involved and are satisfied with the current conditions. BLM and Reticular Devices LLC accept the properties “as is,” waiving any and all claims against each other in regard to environmental condition or required improvements.
Signature, Bureau of Land Management: ____________________
Signature, Reticular Devices LLC: ____________________
Please refer to attached Schedule A and Schedule B for detailed property descriptions and the associated rights.
This Classified Land Exchange Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Federal law.