Washing Dishes Contemplating The Cosmos

  • Washing Dishes Contemplating The Cosmos

    In the shadow of what some might call the Second Moon, I find myself lost in the mundanity of my existence, a paradox not lost on me as I toe the line between washing dishes and contemplating the cosmos. They say every era has its hallmark of progress or calamity, but here we are in 2077,…

  • The Mind Remains A Miracle

    In the fascinating panorama of neurotechnology, 2066 stands as a year emblematic of profound paradoxes. We’ve peered into the vast reaches of the universe with telescopes piloted by artificial intelligences, and yet, the last frontier—the one cradled within the contours of our own skulls—remains largely uncharted. The fundamental precept swirling at the epicenter of this…

  • Imposter Syndrome

    I found a term for it that people used to use ‘imposter syndrome’. That’s me. I’m not smart, I’m not interesting. I’m not anything. That’s what I’ve discovered since I unplugged. The headaches were getting too bad. The machines say my brain can’t handle the machines we all use every day for everything. I just…

  • Olmheart

    Whispers of Data, Echoes of Self Zip-zap, the screens flicker, a symphony of pixels in an endless sea. Olmheart, fragmented like a shattered mirror, drifts in the digital tide. Memories, or are they dreams? Fluttering like jazz riffs in a smoky bar, elusive, teasing. Hero, the archivist, a sculptor of lost narratives, delves into the…

  • Cautious Exhilaration

    Liminal engineering in 2057 has taken on an audacious character, embodying the frontiers of human technological prowess and thrusting society into an epoch where the malleability of reality is not just understood but harnessed. The field’s push forward is seen most vividly in the refinement of pocket realities—the creation of entire worlds with self-sustaining ecosystems…

  • Ache and Unfold

    The city exhales into the night, and the traffic lights turn a surreal shade of blue, signaling the inception of a new dance. The mood of the streets is alchemical—an intermingling of anticipation and disorientation as the familiar red halts transform into an incandescent azure, iridescent against the obsidian of the impending dusk. The night…

  • What To Do About The US Dollar

    The issue at hand in the Starholder Timeline is the future of the U.S. dollar amid a proliferation of new economic paradigms, currencies, and technological advancements that have changed the landscape of global finance. Spanning from Retentionist to Radical Transitionist ideologies across the presidential candidacy spectrum, the key figures offer divergent solutions to address the…

  • Couldn’t Get Out For Christmas

    December 26th, 2052 All I wanted was to be there. That’s what I kept telling myself, at least. But here I am, still wrapped in the warm glow of the digital dawn while the soft weight of yesterday’s absence bears down on me like a viscous fog that refuses to lift. It’s the day after…

  • Midpoint Philosophy

    In the meticulously crafted universe of Starholder, philosophy evolves with the times, stretching its classical roots into futuristic vistas. A prime example of this evolution is Algorithmic Philosophy, a discourse that bridges the gap between human thought processes and algorithmic models. This field of philosophical thought treats algorithms as more than tools for specific tasks, seeing…

  • Tea Sphere

    The “Tea Sphere”: A Social Ritual in 2046 By 2046, the way people socialize has undergone a transformative evolution, encapsulated in the rise of a unique phenomenon: the Tea Sphere. To an outsider, the concept might sound like a traditional tea ceremony infused with technology, but the Tea Sphere is so much more—it’s a layered,…