Nine Hundred Foot

  • Nine Hundred Foot

    The year was 2001, the dawn of the new millennium. California was plunged into a vortex of blackouts and browns-outs, the frenzied dance of the power grid teetering on the brink of collapse. It was a game played by suits in glass towers, Enron, the puppeteer pulling the strings, and the state, their marionette, dancing…

  • I Went In

    In that time of shattered loops and scrambled normalcy, the morning routine took on a strange, surreal quality. The bleary-eyed stumble into the kitchen to pour a cup of coffee, the absentminded flick of the remote to tune into the morning news, it all seemed to take place underwater. The light from the TV cast…

  • Birds Of The Green Nile

    In the late summer of 2001, a peculiar assembly gathered in the urban wilderness of Griffith Park, a locus carved within the sprawling expanse of Los Angeles. The occasion, a reunion of sorts, a parade of the unseen artisans of Hollywood’s mirage and the Valley’s eclectic seers, epitomized the city’s irresistible incongruity. The players? They…