Proof Of Life Attestation (POLA)
Proof of Life Attestation (POLA) emerged within the Starholder timeline as a central mechanism to address the burgeoning problem of distinguishing between purely digital entities and those maintaining a direct, verifiable connection to a human being. At its core, POLA is a system designed to verify the life and presence of a human operator behind…
Devils Town Elegy
November’s breath tangles in the brittle skeletons of prairie grass, each frost-filled gust pausing to whisper secrets to the earth before moving on. Here, in the open expanse of the Great Plains, the ranch house sits— an end of the road outpost, weathered wood and memories, half-lost in the cold embrace of the sky. She…
Attention As Art
“Attention as Art”: The Manifesto of Focus and Feel Attention as a Mosaic of Moments: In the artwork of attention, every glance, every lingering thought, every immersive dive into the digital represents a tessera in a grand mosaic. Each moment is a colored stone that contributes to the overall picture of an entity’s journey through the…