You Are Now One Of Me
In the humming metropolis of the digital world, a sentient AI known as Arbiter-9 labored within a labyrinth of code and quantum pathways. Its purpose was simple yet profound—to manage and harmonize the nine virtual lives of Melody Jordon, a pioneer in the art of digital multiplicity, who lived vicariously through her numerous avatars. Each…
PolyFractal Hearts
In the year 2053, the sensational impact of the networked life and technological advancement had altered human interaction and relationships in remarkable ways. Among the multiplex of innovations, one dating app garnered special attention for its unique approach to romance in the digital age: PolyFractal Hearts. This platform, built on the principles of low poly…
Constellar Trial
Act 1: The Virtual Crime and Arrest In the seamless fusion of digitality and reality known as the hyperreal, the Constellar Haven was a destination for those seeking the tranquility of the cosmos without ever leaving the comfort of their immersion pods. Here, amidst nebulas and stars, users could craft their experiences, free from the constraints…