Quantum Mirror

  • Quantum Mirror

    Overview In the heart of 2048, society was undergoing a transition within the epoch known as “The Great Disruption.” This was a year marked by the unveiling of the Quantum Mirror—a technology so audacious it reshaped not just how people interacted with the digital realm, but also how they understood the fabric of reality itself.…

  • Pax Virtualis

    2040, the world finds itself in an era that historians have come to term “Pax Virtualis.” It’s a delicate equilibrium, where digital diplomacy, virtual realities, and artificial intelligence have combined to create an intricate web of international relations. The invasion of Taiwan by China, which took place five years earlier, serves as both a painful…

  • Ivanpah 2018

    Ivanpah Update, 2018 As the calendar page flips to 2018, we find ourselves a decade removed from the initial firing of the Ivanpah supercollider, a moment that set the trajectory for a decade of innovation, conflict, and secrecy in the heart of California’s sun-bleached desert. A decade that witnessed the collision of old and new powers, of…

  • ET-2018

    By 2018, the ‘Effective Technologists’, an influential faction within Silicon Valley, have steadily expanded their sphere of influence. They have positioned themselves as critical players in the technology and startup ecosystem, carving out a new power dynamic that parallels, and increasingly threatens, traditional centers of power. The faction’s leadership, once Silicon Valley outsiders, are now…

  • Ivanpah 2015

    IVANPAH: 2015 UPDATE The world is beginning to crackle and hum with the echo of uncharted energy and potential as the tectonic plates of traditional power structures shift uneasily under the relentless pressure of technological revolution. At the epicenter, where these seismic waves are emanating, stands Ivanpah – a fortress of scientific ingenuity nestled in…

  • Menlo Manifesto

    A Vision for a New World Order The Fallacy of the Past Our world stands at a critical juncture. The ways of the past, entrenched in bureaucracy, political dynasties, and financial greed, are crumbling. The age of the Bushes and Clintons, marked by complacency and stagnation, has proven to be a grand illusion, a façade…

  • Ignition Detection

    The clock reads 4 AM, Pacific Time. The usually bustling headquarters of the National Security Agency is eerily quiet, save for a small team of dedicated analysts and technicians known as the Quantum Whisper group. Their eyes are fixated on their screens, reading an unusual blip in the power consumption data and an encrypted electronic…

  • From Crawford To Quant Vegas

    Chess’s weariness was palpable as his car rolled down the dusty road to Crawford, Texas. The Lehman Brothers bankruptcy was still ringing in his ears, and now this. A summon from former President George W. Bush? It couldn’t be good. His job was a constant parade of messes left behind by the Bush administration, and…

  • Elijah Booker

    Name: Elijah “Eli” Booker Archetype: The Neo-Romantic Poet Background: Elijah Booker, called Eli by friends, emerged during “The Collision” as an old soul in a rapidly modernizing world. A poet and busker, Eli preferred the strum of his guitar and the scrawl of pen on paper over the cold clicks of keyboards and wires. He…

  • Dark Money Dark Matter

    Global Investor Magazine, Feb 2008 By: Richard Marx, Senior Financial Journalist Nestled in the arid expanse of the Mojave Desert, lies the unassuming town of Ivanpah, California. Known primarily for its role as a pit-stop for weary travelers en route to Las Vegas, this secluded desert hamlet has traditionally attracted little attention. But in recent…