Xander Veritas

  • Xander Veritas

    Xander Veritas is a non-playable character (NPC) in the Four Moons of America game. He is a human smuggler known for his charm, wit, and cunning. His reputation for completing dangerous missions and his network of allies and enemies throughout the galaxy make him a compelling character in the game. Appearance Xander stands at 6’2″ with a…

  • Warth Of Harmonia

    The Wrath of Harmonia tells the tale of the wise and diplomacy oriented moon drawn to anger and forced to act against the solar flare Prometheus. The tale is as old as myth coming from the classical age of the metaverse’s history and written in the voice and style of a Greek drama. Act I:…

  • Valois

    Valois – An Immortality Project (working title) is a work in progress novel that explores the ethical implications of AI, our desire to live on after our death, and our obligations to our children. It is part of a larger effort called the Starholder project which investigates low probability, high impact events which have the possibility to reorient…

  • Phaedrus (Drug)

    Overview Phaedrus (stylized as PHAEDRUS) is a digital drug created in 2039 by the anonymous artist and hacker known as Chopped Dionysus. Phaedrus is designed as a networked amplification of glamour, intended to elevate the hivemind of its users onto a plane of spectacle and visual delight. Phaedrus is not only a digital drug, but…

  • Mr Snuggles and the Smuggler’s Run

    Xander Veritas was a man who had seen the dark corners of the universe and survived. He carried the weight of a thousand stories etched into the lines on his face, the scars that marked his body, and the ghosts that haunted his dreams. The cosmos had tried to crush him, to snuff out the flickering…

  • Culture Broker

    This short story first appeared on Stealcam as memories 16377 & 16388. It was co-written with GPT4 exploring the concept of an NPC who trades emotions within a simulated grand strategy game called The Four Moons of America. Part One Parch sat in a dim corner booth at the Luna Lounge, nursing a highball. Neon cast…