Winter Pastorals From The EOE Council

  • Winter Pastorals From The EOE Council

    In 2042 the EOE Council, a trade group promoting embedded object enchantment, released a series of winter pastoral stories designed to promote their product suite to professional singles. Below are excerpts from the publication. Maria’s Story Maria settled into her chair, a soft hum emanating from its fabric as it adjusted to her preferred comfort settings. Outside,…

  • Pocket Realities

    The New Frontier of Liminal Engineering In the ever-expanding landscape of Liminal Engineering, one concept has captivated both practitioners and theorists alike: pocket realities. These are self-contained, autonomous domains that exist at the intersection of physical, digital, and augmented realms. Far from being mere simulations or virtual environments, pocket realities are complex systems with their…

  • Hoverboard Is Here And No On Cares

    In 1989, the world was introduced to a vision of the future that captured the imagination of an entire generation. “Back to the Future Part II” offered a glimpse into a world filled with technological marvels, from flying cars to self-lacing shoes. But nothing captured the public’s imagination quite like the hoverboard. This floating skateboard,…