The Hopper Architect Transcript

  • The Hopper Architect Transcript

    Interviewer: Dennis, earlier you mentioned that you’d had a bit of a modern day Howard Hughes experience with a friend of yours. He holed himself up in an underground bunker, afraid of dark particles or something and would spend all his time down there watching Orson Welles movies. Once a night, he’d call you on…

  • Tamira Fontenot

    The buzzing drone of the air conditioning reverberated off the trailer’s thin metallic walls, weaving an uneasy harmony with the distant hum of heavy machinery at work. Tamira Fontenot sat hunched over her laptop, an insulated pocket of solitude amidst the vast, rugged wilderness of the Ivanpah Valley. Her arrival on the site merely a…

  • Scion Capital Quarterly Letter

    Dear Scion Capital Investor, I trust you are well and navigating the shifting tides of this uncertain market with a firm hand at the helm. Since our last correspondence in Q4 of 2005, an intriguing development has transpired that warrants your attention. The Architect, a reclusive billionaire tech magnate who has built his fortune on…

  • Consider The Loon

    aws\eom awesome evening or eventide a slack current under the dock a duck when I wish for a loon a blissful eve or time of tide a languid flow beneath the dock a mallard when I crave a lunatic’s croon a rad nightfall or eventime odd a sluggish stream beneath the pier a quacker when…

  • CERN IS Supercollidor Development Report

    Report for the CERN Governing Board Subject: Developments at the Ivanpah Supercollider (IS) Date: January 12th, 2006 Dear Members of the Board, We hereby submit a comprehensive report on the developments at the Ivanpah Supercollider (IS), the rapidly progressing particle accelerator project in the United States. Since its inception, the IS has attracted considerable attention…